At a wedding fayre recently I was asked when was the best time to book their photographer. They figured they weren't in a hurry, because they weren't getting married until next year. I replied "As soon as you find the right one! I've already taken bookings!" With so many things to arrange for a wedding, it can be a very confusing and "spendy" time, and let's face it, most people don't have much experience at organising weddings, so it can be very daunting as to what to do first and when to spend the money, so I am hoping people read this and pass on some experience that I've gained from shooting hundreds of weddings! We photographers can only be at one wedding at a time (gone are the days of "a few pics outside the church then on to the next one"!) whereas services like cakemakers, dresses, florists, even classic cars, can serve several weddings in one day, so can perhaps be left a bit closer to your wedding. It doesn't hur